Beckhams insist claims are 'absurd'

Spain: David and Victoria Beckham moved to stem speculation about their private life yesterday by instructing solicitors over…

Spain: David and Victoria Beckham moved to stem speculation about their private life yesterday by instructing solicitors over "absurd" claims about the England football captain's alleged infidelities.

After eight days of newspaper claims from two women who say they have had affairs with Beckham, the couple flew back to Britain from Spain to issue a statement which ridiculed the lurid stories but did not specifically condemn them as untrue.

"This weekend a series of even more absurd and unsubstantiated claims have been published about David and Victoria Beckham," the statement said. "The couple continue to dismiss these stories and they will not be commenting upon them further at this time. Lawyers have been instructed by David and Victoria concerning these matters."

The statement was the result of week-long discussions between Beckham and his advisers. It was issued by 19 Management, the agency which represents Victoria Beckham.


But if Beckham and his advisers hoped to generate fear or contrition at the London-based News of the World Sunday tabloid, whose reporters have done so much to highlight the claims of his tormentors and the pornographic potential of text messaging, they were disappointed.

Ms Hayley Barlow, the paper's spokeswoman, said: "We note a further dismissive statement issued today by the Beckham camp, this time on behalf of both Mr and Mrs Beckham.

"The News of the World's position remains totally unchanged. Once again we stand by our reports 100 per cent - our revelations speak for themselves."

The media frenzy surrounding the marriage has reached fever pitch over the past week. Paparazzi have been camped outside their country home, dubbed "Beckingham Palace", since the couple returned to Britain early yesterday.

On Sunday, the News of the World printed allegations dating back to July 2001 - just two years after Beckham's marriage to former Spice Girl Victoria Adams.

It described Sarah Marbeck as a 29-year-old barrister's daughter and said she had met Beckham in Singapore during a Manchester United pre-season tour of the Asia-Pacific region.

The newspaper also carried an interview with Beckham's former personal secretary Rebecca Loos. A News of the World spokesman said she had been paid a six-figure sum for her story, which Beckham has described as "ludicrous". - (Guardian Service, Reuters)