Belfast man on car death charges

A Belfast was remanded in custody at North Antrim Magistrates' Court in Coleraine, Co Derry, yesterday on charges connected with…

A Belfast was remanded in custody at North Antrim Magistrates' Court in Coleraine, Co Derry, yesterday on charges connected with an accident involving a stolen car which left two young children orphaned.

Mr Stephen Patrick Light (19), whose address was given as Glenburn Crescent, west Belfast, was a passenger in a stolen car which was involved in a collision on the Ballymoney to Portrush road last Friday afternoon. Ms Charmaine Watson (26) died instantly in the collision and her husband, Justin (24), died later in Coleraine Hospital from multiple injuries.

The front-seat passenger of the stolen Vauxhall Cavalier, Mr Brian Justin Donnelly (19), also died at the scene.

The Watsons' three-year-old son, Tyler, is being treated for serious injuries in the intensive care unit of the Royal Belfast Hospital for Sick Children. His sister, Connie (6), was not in the car with the rest of the family at the time and is being cared for by relatives.


The accused man appeared on a total of 13 charges, 11 of which related to offences he had allegedly committed in the Belfast area in the previous two weeks. These included being in possession of an offensive weapon, unlawful assault, and numerous charges of taking a vehicle without consent and using a vehicle without adequate insurance.

The two charges which specifically related to Friday's fatal accident were of a similar nature.

The court was told that Mr Light made no reply when charged with being in a stolen vehicle and using the vehicle without adequate insurance.

A detective constable said he believed that he could connect the accused man with the charges and Mr Light was remanded in custody to appear at the same court in a week's time.