'Belfast peace walls need to come down'

Belfast’s so-called peace walls need to come down, the outgoing head of the North's civil service said today.

Belfast’s so-called peace walls need to come down, the outgoing head of the North's civil service said today.

Society is disfigured by the barriers and removing them will be a major challenge, Sir Nigel Hamilton added.

He received a doctorate from the University of Ulster today for his contribution to public administration during the peace process.

“Our community is still scarred by the peace walls in this city and I see progress on removing them as a major challenge and indeed a touchstone for the work of elected representatives, those involved in public policy and local communities,” he said.


Sir Nigel steps down on July 11th as head of the civil service and the Office of the First and Deputy First Minister, leading reform of the public sector and civil service and managing the transition from direct rule to devolution.