Bieber fever hits Paris as idol sings from balcony

Teenage pop star Justin Bieber turned a quiet Paris street corner into an impromptu concert venue yesterday afternoon, crooning…

Teenage pop star Justin Bieber turned a quiet Paris street corner into an impromptu concert venue yesterday afternoon, crooning through a megaphone at a balcony window over the screams of hundreds of adoring female fans.

Wearing a leather jacket and dancing under the watchful eye of his bodyguard and guitarist, the 18-year-old sang hits such as Baby and One Time to the increasingly frenzied crowd gathered at a street in the Latin Quarter.

Some of Bieber’s fans, who waved messages saying “Thank you, Justin”, and got into occasional scraps with security guards in front of the building, had waited hours after being told via Bieber’s Twitter feed to “sing with” Justin at the offices of record label Universal in Paris.

“We’ve been here since 10:30am ... We got in a taxi and came straight here after it appeared on Twitter,” said student Sonia O’Donnell (21), accompanied by her friend Sinéad Murphy.


Not everyone was as pleased as the true “Beliebers”. One Parisian living nearby held a makeshift flag up at his window with the words: “Bieber go home.” – (Reuters)