Bin Laden's voice detected on radio - claim

US officials say they have detected Osama bin Laden giving orders over short-range radio in the Tora Bora area of eastern Afghanistan…

US officials say they have detected Osama bin Laden giving orders over short-range radio in the Tora Bora area of eastern Afghanistan during the past week, it emerged today.

The intercepted radio messages helped persuade US military officials that bin Laden was likely in the area, where al-Qaeda forces are in a pitched battle with Afghan forces being helped by American and British special forces.

Commanders of the Afghan forces say they believe they have bin Laden trapped in a cave in the snowy, rugged mountains.

US officials confirmed that the voice on the radio was bin Laden's by comparing it with his voice from several videotapes, said the US official, speaking on condition of anonymity.


Americans have several ways to listen in on such radio transmissions, including gear carried by special operations forces and instruments on aircraft and satellites.