Bin Laden urges fighters to strike oil facilities

A tape purportedly from Osama bin Laden and broadcast online has urged militants to concentrate their attacks on Iraqi and Gulf…

A tape purportedly from Osama bin Laden and broadcast online has urged militants to concentrate their attacks on Iraqi and Gulf oil facilities, saying it was the most powerful weapon against America.

"Weakening America in Iraq economically, morally and through loss of life is a golden and unique opportunity that you should not waste so not to have remorse," said the tape.

The transcript was seen today after the tape was posted on the Internet on Thursday.

"The main driving reason behind the enemy's hegemony over our countries is to steal our oil, so do your utmost to stop the biggest robbery of our resources in history," said the speaker on the tape.

Be active and prevent them from getting hold of our oil and concentrate your operations on it (oil), in particular in Iraq and the Gulf.
Tape purportedly from Osama bin Laden

After the tape was first posted on the Internet, an intelligence official in Washington said an analysis had determined with "high confidence" that the tape contained the voice of bin Laden.

"Be active and prevent them from getting hold of our oil and concentrate your operations on it (oil), in particular in Iraq and the Gulf," said the speaker.

In other parts of the tape, bin Laden praised gunmen who attacked a US consulate in Saudi Arabia on December 6th and warned Saudi rulers they could be toppled like the Shah of Iran.