Bishop to liaise with child abuse commission

The Hierarchy has asked one of its bishops to chair a committee to liaise with the commission set up by the Government to inquire…

The Hierarchy has asked one of its bishops to chair a committee to liaise with the commission set up by the Government to inquire into child abuse.

Dr Eamonn Walsh, Auxiliary Bishop of Dublin, whose appointment was announced at the end of the Hierarchy's three-day summer meeting in Maynooth yesterday, said that he would begin work on forming his committee today.

"While the composition of the committee has to be worked on, the aim will be to have professional people with a research and educational background in that area who are attuned to child care and what is required." Dr Walsh said his committee would also liaise with CORI and religious congregations to ensure a comprehensive and co-operative approach to the Government's commission.

The commission was set up by the Government following the revelation of abuse of children in industrial schools.


Victims may avail of the opportunity to explain, "in a healing forum", the abuses they suffered under the care of religious orders or State institutions, including primary and secondary schools, from at least 1940 to the present day.

Michael O'Regan

Michael O'Regan

Michael O’Regan is a former parliamentary correspondent of The Irish Times