Blair denies leadership pact with Brown

London - Claims of a secret pact by which the Prime Minister, Mr Blair, would stand down to allow Mr Gordon Brown to succeed …

London - Claims of a secret pact by which the Prime Minister, Mr Blair, would stand down to allow Mr Gordon Brown to succeed him were revived yesterday by a former aide to Mr Peter Mandelson, writes Frank Millar.

Despite Mr Blair's absolute denial of any such deal, just a week ago Mr Derek Draper claimed Mr Blair promised to stand down after two terms as the price of Mr Brown's support in the leadership race caused by the death of Mr John Smith.

Writing in the Mail on Sunday, Mr Draper claimed: "Peter told Tony, `You have got to persuade him he is still going to be leader one day. It is too much to expect that Gordon can face up to not being leader this time and never being leader at all. You must tell him you will only serve two terms. You have got to be specific about it because that is what Gordon will expect . . .' "

Mr Draper also quotes Mr Brown's closest political ally, the Agriculture Minister, Mr Nick Brown, saying at the time: "Gordon is an idiot to believe him."