Bono to meet EU development ministers

THE EU: Bono will meet development ministers from the 25 member-states of the EU in Dublin next Tuesday to discuss issues related…

THE EU: Bono will meet development ministers from the 25 member-states of the EU in Dublin next Tuesday to discuss issues related to Africa, including AIDS, trade and debt.

The ministers gather once every six months for informal meetings hosted by the EU presidency. Minister of State for Development Co-operation, Mr Tom Kitt, will chair the gathering in Dublin Castle.

He invited Bono to join the ministers for a working lunch discussion on African development issues.

"Bono is a very influential champion of a better deal for the developing world and I believe that his participation at our working lunch will add a valuable non-governmental perspective to our discussion," Mr Kitt said. "It could also help to mobilise a larger EU-wide audience in support of development objectives at a time of major political, financial and institutional change within the Union."