Bosnia poll shows divisions

Sarajevo - Unofficial results of Bosnia's weekend general elections began to trickle in yesterday, showing that while Muslim …

Sarajevo - Unofficial results of Bosnia's weekend general elections began to trickle in yesterday, showing that while Muslim voters had moved towards moderation, Serbs and Croats were more set than ever on ethnic separation.

In the Serb half of the divided country, the hardline Radical Party said its candidate, Mr Nikola Poplasen, had dislodged the more moderate Ms Biljana Plavsic as president of the Bosnian Serb Republic.

The Radicals also said that results from 93 per cent of polling stations showed that Mr Momcilo Krajisnik of the SDS party, once led by the war leader and indicted war criminal, Radovan Karadzic, had held onto the Serb seat on the country's three-man co-presidency.

Sarajevo newspapers said the nationalist coalition headed by the President, Mr Alija Izetbegovic, had lost ground to opposition parties.


But Bosnian Croat sources claimed huge majorities among Croat voters for their main nationalist party, the HDZ.