Bouncer bit off man's earlobe

A BOUNCER who says he bit part of a man’s ear off because he was depressed about being told he may have CJD – a form of “mad …

A BOUNCER who says he bit part of a man’s ear off because he was depressed about being told he may have CJD – a form of “mad cow disease” – will be sentenced later at Dublin Circuit Criminal Court.

Ken Broe (36), North Frederick Street, Dublin, beat Karl Philips to the ground outside Heaven Nightclub, Blanchardstown, Co Dublin, on October 23rd, 2007, before biting his earlobe off and fleeing.

He later told gardaí he was depressed at the time because he was told he had been given contaminated blood containing Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease, the human form of “mad cow disease”.

Garda Barry Manton said Broe’s eight previous convictions included assault, public order offences and criminal damage and he was currently in custody in connection with a separate alleged assault.


Broe pleaded guilty to assaulting Mr Philips.

Damien Colgan, defending, said Broe could not raise compensation if he was in custody. Judge Katherine Delahunt granted him bail and adjourned sentencing until December.

Garda Manton said Mr Philips was refused entry to the nightclub on October 23rd, 2007 by a South African bouncer. He repeatedly asked why he was not allowed in and said to Broe, who was working as a bouncer: “I’m a Dub and you’re a Dub, what’s the story?”

He asked why Broe was “taking orders from foreigners” and said the bouncers “should be shot with balls of their own shite”.

Mr Philips and Broe got into a verbal argument before Broe walked around the corner and signalled for Mr Philips to follow him. They began a fist fight and Mr Philips was punched to the ground where Broe continued to hit him before leaning over his head and biting his earlobe off.

The victim said he felt pressure and heard a “crunching sound” followed by severe pain. Broe fled and gardaí arrived shortly after.