Box cutters on Canadian flight on September 11

Canadian police are investigating the discovery of box cutters aboard an Air Canada plane due to have flown to New York on September…

Canadian police are investigating the discovery of box cutters aboard an Air Canada plane due to have flown to New York on September 11th, the day hijackers used similar tools to enact a terrorist strike against the United States, the airline confirmed today.

The Air Canada plane was grounded at Toronto after authorities learned of the hijackings against the Pentagon and New York's World Trade Center that led to the collapse of the twin towers, Air Canada spokeswoman Ms Laura Cooke said.

"I can't make comments because it's under investigation," she said.

A passenger who boarded the same Airbus A-320 plane three days later on a flight from Toronto to Calgary discovered the box cutters in an overhead locker, Ms Cooke said.


"The passenger alerted a flight attendant and the captain decided to call the airport police," Ms Cooke said.

According to the Globe and Mailnewspaper, two box cutters were found. The paper said police have questioned a number of people who were due to have flown from Toronto to New York Flight on September 11th.

Royal Canadian Mounted Police spokeswoman Ms Michele Paradis would neither confirm nor deny the account.