Boy (10) gets £15,000 after bike accident

A BOY, whose face was badly scarred in a cycle accident, has been awarded £15,000 damages in the Circuit Civil Court.

A BOY, whose face was badly scarred in a cycle accident, has been awarded £15,000 damages in the Circuit Civil Court.

Mr David Barniville, counsel for Jed Donnelly (10), Fintragh, Shrewsbury Road, Ballsbridge, told the court his client was hurt in a collision. The scar to his left cheek was caused by the circular sharp edge of one of the handlebars on his bike.

Mr Barniville told Judge Raymond Groarke that the handlebar grip had eroded and left the steel frame exposed. He said there could be some difficulty with proving liability against the cycle manufacturers and he felt the defendants had made a fair offer.

Judge Groarke approved the offer.