Brazil to investigate fatal Tube shooting

Brazilian government officials will fly to London to meet investigators examining the shooting of Jean Charles de Menezes by …

Brazilian government officials will fly to London to meet investigators examining the shooting of Jean Charles de Menezes by anti-terror officers.

The Brazilian Foreign Ministry said in a statement that new reports about the killing of the electrician mistaken for a bomber have "outraged" the government.

It said two government officials will visit London on Monday to meet with the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC), which is investigating Mr de Menezes' death, and the Metropolitan Police.

Brazil expects the officials to "obtain ample clarifications" about the killing, the ministry said. The IPCC yesterday claimed


Scotland Yard's resistance had delayed its inquiry and that it had to "work hard" to recover lost ground.

But Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Ian Blair hit back at allegations of a cover-up over the shooting of Mr de Menezes, who was mistaken for one of the attempted suicide bomb suspects of July 21st.

He dismissed the notion that he had tried to block an independent inquiry into the death of the innocent Brazilian electrician at Stockwell Tube station the day after the failed attacks.

The person who leaked information about the police watchdog's investigation has been identified, it was reported.

The source who leaked documents and a photograph of Mr de Menezes lying dead on the floor of the Tube train at Stockwell station to ITV News on Tuesday has been suspended, Sky News reported.

The Independent Police Complaints Commission refused to confirm or deny the report.

The Jean Charles de Menezes Family Campaign announced that a demonstration will be held marking one month to the day since the shooting at Stockwell Tube.

They are calling for as many people as possible to descend on Downing Street on Monday August 22nd at 6pm to call for "no more cover up", the sacking of Sir Ian Blair and an immediate public inquiry.