Brennan and GPA in 'exploratory' meeting

New GAA president Nickey Brennan honoured a scheduled meeting with the Gaelic Players Association today but both parties have…

New GAA president Nickey Brennan honoured a scheduled meeting with the Gaelic Players Association today but both parties have refused to divulge the precise nature of the talks.

A joint statement was issued this afternoon and in it the meeting was described as one of an "exploratory nature".

"The meeting was of an exploratory nature to discuss a possible engagement process to consider issues of concern and interest to both parties. A series of further meetings are scheduled," the statement read.

No further comment will be made while this process is in progress, the two parties said.


Last week Brennan touched on the meeting during his inaugural speech at Congress, making it clear he viewed the talks as the beginning of a complicated process of dealing with the GPA's demands on player welfare.

"First of all I need to get to know them," he said. "I've never formally met the GPA before. Obviously I know DJ Carey very well and would know Dessie Farrell to talk to. So I would see it as a getting to know one another, and understanding each of our positions.

"They have issued us with a number of items they want to discuss, and we have issues to discuss with them. We also need to know more about their long-term aims and ambitions. So we'll probably get into some of the substance of what they're about, but it will take a number of meetings before we get to the bottom of that. We're not expecting to solve everything [today]."