Britain's Prince Harry in nightclub scuffle

Britain's Prince Harry was involved in a scuffle outside a nightclub early today that left a photographer with a cut lip.

Britain's Prince Harry was involved in a scuffle outside a nightclub early today that left a photographer with a cut lip.

Clarence House said the 20-year-old prince pushed back after he was hit in the face by a camera outside the Pangaea club in the West End of London. But the photographer claimed the prince "deliberately lashed out".

Another witness said the prince was swearing during the altercation and buried his head in his knees afterwards as his car sped away. But a Clarence House spokesman said the prince was defending himself when the incident happened at around 3 a.m.

Mr Chris Uncle, the paparazzi photographer involved, told London's Evening Standardhe reported the incident to police shortly afterwards and was considering whether to make a formal complaint.


Mr Uncle, who works for the Big Pictures agency said: "Prince Harry looked like he was inside the car and we were all still taking pictures. Then suddenly he burst out the car and lunged towards me as I was still taking pictures.

"He lashed out and then deliberately pushed my camera into my face. The base of the camera struck me and cut my bottom lip. At the same time he was repeatedly saying 'Why are you doing this? Why don't you just leave me alone?'"