Brush up your oul dishes

Those who saw the Ballyhack Cookery centre featured on BBC 1's Holiday Programme, and who wishes to know more about the courses…

Those who saw the Ballyhack Cookery centre featured on BBC 1's Holiday Programme, and who wishes to know more about the courses run by Pierce and Valerie McAuliffe and Martin Dwyer, might like to write for a programme detailing their new cookery courses and demonstrations. There is a broad range of choices and dates, with Entertainment Made Easy, Fish and Shellfish Cookery, Gourmet Cookery as well as other, specialist courses to be given on holiday weekends, such as Modern Irish Cooking on March 14th, Spring Lamb and Chocolate on Easter Saturday (an inspired pairing) and Summer Cooking on Mayday and Whit Saturday.

For a brochure, phone 051 389284, fax: 051 389356.