Bruton calls for 'innovation' culture to boost recovery

THE ECONOMY: IRELAND NEEDED an “innovation revolution” in economic planning, the public service and in political systems, Minister…

THE ECONOMY:IRELAND NEEDED an "innovation revolution" in economic planning, the public service and in political systems, Minister for Enterprise Richard Bruton told the summer school.

Looking to the period after the next budget, he said: “I plan to publish my economic plan for the 21st century in the new year and seek to chart a course for a transformation of the economy unlike anything we have seen for 50 years or more.”

The Minister said “innovation must become the norm across the political and economic system, not just an occasional add-on to the tried and tired policies of the past”.

Fianna Fáil justice spokesman Dara Calleary told reporters the memorandum that the government led by his party had signed with the bailout troika last November was “delivering”.


Commenting on the suggestion at the summer school on Monday by financial regulator Matthew Elderfield that the €500,000 cap on bank salaries should be lifted, he said: “It’s completely premature and shows, maybe, a very difficult understanding of where people are at in this country at the moment.”

Managing director of Hewlett Packard Ireland Martin Murphy called for job creation and retention to become a national priority. Despite recent positive jobs news, Ireland could not take foreign investment for granted.

Executive chairman of Glen Dimplex Seán O’Driscoll said a big challenge for the Government was to deliver on commitments in the short term, while investing in the long term.

Deaglán  De Bréadún

Deaglán De Bréadún

Deaglán De Bréadún, a former Irish Times journalist, is a contributor to the newspaper