Bruton calls for steps to build confidence in politics

The Fine Gael leader, Mr John Bruton, yesterday outlined a package of legal measures needed to win the confidence of the public…

The Fine Gael leader, Mr John Bruton, yesterday outlined a package of legal measures needed to win the confidence of the public in the political system.

Mr Bruton said recent revelations and allegations required a renewal of Irish politics to put public service back as the "touchstone" of political action.

He called for a working group in the Department of Finance to address parties' expenditure limits and to investigate the size of State funding and associated models.

He said the Law Reform Commission should prepare a legislative package, including the text of a constitutional amendment, if necessary, to recognise political parties.


The Attorney General should provide an opinion on the implications of the McKenna judgment on suggested changes and associated matters, said Mr Bruton. He repeated his call for the Government to draft, by agreement with all the parties, a Bill to allow for the registration of lobbyists and for the Standards in Public Office Bill to be published as soon as possible.

Mr Bruton and the Labour leader, Mr Ruairi Quinn, met the Taoiseach and the Tanaiste for 1 1/2 hours in Government Buildings. While no consensus was reached on corporate donations, both Mr Bruton and Mr Quinn welcomed the Government pledge to outline a timetable within the next week to have legislation in place by the end of the year to deal with various issues.

Mr Quinn said he had written to the six Independent TDs seeking their support for the party' private members' Bill on corporate donations, which will be voted on tomorrow night. Mr Bruton said Fine Gael would support the Bill into committee stage.