Bruton confident Jackman will win in Limerick

The leader of Fine Gael yesterday took to the River Shannon "to see Limerick from a new perspective after all the recent developments…

The leader of Fine Gael yesterday took to the River Shannon "to see Limerick from a new perspective after all the recent developments which have turned the city towards the river".

Mr Bruton was launching the by-election campaign for the Fine Gael candidate, Senator Mary Jackman. He began by paying tribute to the man whose death occasioned the by-election: "I had a great regard for Jim Kemmy. I was with him four days before he died and I learned how he could cope with great pain. Like most of the people in Limerick I wish that this by-election was not taking place as a result of Jim Kemmy's death, for he was a man who was admired and respected by all, those who worked with him in Dail Eireann as well as the people he represented in his beloved Limerick."

Mr Bruton said Jim Kemmy was a politician who had a great sense of history.

He believed Senator Jackman would take the seat in Limerick East despite the fact that, on paper, the figures looked in the Government's favour, it having obtaining 50 per cent of the vote in the general election. "However, I do not think it will work out like that for I do not believe that the Limerick people will want to give the Government four seats out of five. After all, Senator Jackman got 26 per cent of the vote at the general election."


Mr Bruton said the voters would be aware that too many people had been left behind and marginalised by the Celtic Tiger's rush to success. The parties in Government, he said, did not appreciate that people on low and middle incomes had as valid an expectation to share in the wealth generated by our economy as did those on high incomes.

Senator Jackman said she wanted to see the education system made accessible to all children, no matter from where they come. She had represented the area since her election to the county council in 1985 and was re-elected seven years ago, receiving the highest vote for Fine Gael.