Bruton promotes backbenchers

Four Fine Gael backbenchers have been appointed to the front bench by the party leader, Mr John Bruton

Four Fine Gael backbenchers have been appointed to the front bench by the party leader, Mr John Bruton. Mr Michael Finucane becomes party spokesman on natural resources; Ms Frances Fitzgerald spokeswoman on defence, and the promotion of women within the party; Mr Jim O'Keeffe spokesman on social, community and family affairs, and Mr Alan Shatter spokesman on health and children.

Announcing his front bench in Dublin yesterday Mr Bruton said the party would concentrate on standards in education, the environment, traffic problems and the rise in house prices.

The deputy leader, Ms Nora Owen, takes on enterprise, trade and employment. Former health minister Mr Michael Noonan becomes finance spokesman. Mr Sean Barrett becomes party whip, while former agriculture minister Mr Ivan Yates becomes spokesman for public enterprise and assumes responsibility for party policy.

Mr Jim Higgins is responsible for justice, equality and law reform; Mr Gay Mitchell, foreign affairs; and Mr Hugh Coveney, agriculture and food.


Mr Alan Dukes is spokesman on environment and rural development.

Mr Enda Kenny is spokesman on arts, heritage, Gaeltacht and islands; Mr Bernard Allen, tourism, sport and recreation; Mr Richard Bruton, education, science and technology, and relations with the social partners. Mr Phil Hogan is parliamentary party chairman responsible for organisation development and local elections.

Asked what Government policies the party would attack, Mr Bruton said the area of justice and criminal law would be a target as Fianna Fail had made "some very explicit promises" such as zero tolerance. The party would also pursue a "vigorous approach to agriculture," Mr Bruton said.

Mr Charles Flanagan, appointed spokesman on criminal law reform and Northern Ireland, will lead the Fine Gael group in the British-Irish parliamentary body. Mr Bruton said Mr Flanagan would be meeting the Northern Ireland political parties and reporting back to the front bench.

As party leader Mr Bruton will act as spokesman on Northern Ireland.

Among the junior positions Mr Denis Naughten, son of the late Seanad cathaoirleach Mr Liam Naughten, who died in a car crash, will be responsible for liaison with Young Fine Gael.

Catherine Cleary

Catherine Cleary

Catherine Cleary, a contributor to The Irish Times, is a founder of Pocket Forests