Bush calls for end to Syrian influence in Lebanon

President George W Bush demanded an end this evening to the "heavy-handed" influence of Syrian intelligence throughout the Lebanese…

President George W Bush demanded an end this evening to the "heavy-handed" influence of Syrian intelligence throughout the Lebanese government and said Washington and its allies were considering what steps to take if Damascus refused to fully withdraw from the country.

President Bush offered no details when asked whether international sanctions were an option. "We're working with friends and allies about steps forward, what to do," he told reporters after meeting with Romanian President Traian Basescu.

Mr Bush issued his warning about Syrian influence just before Lebanon's parliament nominated pro-Syrian Omar Karami as prime minister, a decision sure to anger the anti-Syrian opposition that pressured him to resign in the first place.

Following Mr Karami's nomination, State Department spokeswoman Darla Jordan said: "This new government should reflect the will of the Lebanese people, not of Damascus. There should be no further attempt by the governments of Syria and Lebanon to intimidate or sideline the Lebanese opposition in the run up to parliamentary elections."


Mr Bush discussed the Syrian issue with French President Jacques Chirac by phone on Monday. Talks were expected to continue in Washington today when French Defence Minister Michele Alliot-Marie meets with Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and national security adviser Stephen Hadley, officials said.

An administration official said no decisions have been made about next steps since the international discussions are still under way.

But US and diplomatic sources say the US, France and other allies are working on contingency plans - both to help stabilize Lebanon if Syria pulls out and to punish Damascus if it refuses to do so.