Bush calls Italian PM over agent's death

President George W Bush telephoned Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi to express regret about the killing of an Italian…

President George W Bush telephoned Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi to express regret about the killing of an Italian security agent and the wounding of freed Italian journalist Giuliana Sgrena by US forces at a checkpoint in Iraq.

Mr Bush phoned Mr Berlusconi, one of his staunchest allies in Europe, from aboard Air Force One while flying back from a trip to Indiana.

Ms Sgrena, who was seized in Baghdad on February 4th, was turned over to three Italian agents after being freed and was being driven to the airport when the car came under fire at a checkpoint.

The agent who died, Nicola Calipari, was hit by a bullet while he covered the journalist with his body, Mr Berlusconi said. Ms Sgrena suffered a shrapnel wound in her shoulder.


Mr Berlusconi summoned the US ambassador last night to demand an explanation about how US troops had fired at the car taking the reporter to Baghdad airport.

Italy has the fourth largest foreign contingent in Iraq after the US, British and South Korean forces.