Bush replaces his chief of staff

US: President George Bush, facing a steep slide in popularity, bowed to demands for new blood from a restive Republican congress…

US: President George Bush, facing a steep slide in popularity, bowed to demands for new blood from a restive Republican congress yesterday and replaced one of the anchors of his administration, the White House chief of staff Andrew Card.

Mr Card (58) will be replaced by Joshua Bolten (50) a veteran adviser who is currently budget director. The move was being seen yesterday as an attempt by Mr Bush to try to turn around approval ratings that have fallen below 40 per cent, and to offset growing Republican unease about the midterm elections next November under a White House that appears to have lost its energy and drive.

Mr Card's departure, which takes effect on April 14th, is a milestone for a president who has set great store by stability and personal loyalty. The chief of staff has served since the beginning of the Bush administration in 2001.

A presence that was largely behind the scenes, he has said his working day began at 5.30am and continued long after Mr Bush went to bed. He took his first sick day this month. For most Americans, however, he will be remembered from footage of September 11th, 2001, which shows him whispering into the ear of a stunned President Bush that a second plane had flown into the World Trade Center.


"Andy Card has served me and our country in historic times," Mr Bush said. "On a terrible day when America was attacked, during economic recession and recovery, through storms of unprecedented destructive power, in peace and in war." Mr Card, standing by his side, said he looked forward to being Mr Bush's friend. "You're a good man, Mr President."

In recent times, Mr Card has taken the blame for the White House's failure to anticipate and deal with crises: from the sluggish response to Hurricane Katrina, to the mishandled news management following vice-president Dick Cheney's hunting accident, to the recent furore over the takeover of the operations of US ports by a Dubai-based firm.

It was not clear if Mr Bolten would satisfy Republican demands for change at the White House, since he too has been a member of Mr Bush's inner circle from the beginning - and also because deputy chief of staff Karl Rove will remain in his post.