Bush says no to 'fake peace' in Lebanon

US President George W

US President George W. Bush said today he wanted an end to the conflict in southern Lebanon as soon as possible but that he did not want a "fake peace" that would only delay fighting.

President Bush's comments, made during a picture-taking session with Romanian President Traian Basescu, reflected the US position that Washington wants a "sustainable" cease-fire that addresses the threat of Hizbollah in Lebanon instead of an immediate cease-fire.

"My goal is exactly what I said it was, and that is to hopefully end this as quickly as possible and at the same time making sure there is a lasting peace, not a fake peace," he said.

International talks in Rome failed to come up with an immediate cease-fire on Wednesday, but Washington argued progress was made towards addressing the root causes of the conflict.


Mr Bush said US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice was leading a serious diplomatic effort to try to reach an end to the fighting.

"Look as soon as we can get this resolved, the better, obviously. But it must be real and it can't be fake. And so there's a serious diplomatic effort making sure there is a lasting peace, not a fake peace," he said