Bush targets lower petrol usage

President George W Bush will ask the US Congress tonight to set a goal of reducing American gasoline usage by 20 per cent over…

President George W Bush will ask the US Congress tonight to set a goal of reducing American gasoline usage by 20 per cent over 10 years.

In a preview of his State of the Union speech, White House deputy chief of staff Joel Kaplan said Mr Bush wants to achieve the target through improved vehicle fuel standards and increased production of alternative fuels.

Mr Bush, under pressure from Democrats in control of Congress for a more muscular policy on confronting global climate change, believes the projected growth in carbon emissions from cars, light trucks and suburban utility vehicles could be stopped in 10 years, Mr Kaplan said.

Mr Bush will ask Congress for the authority to reform and modernise Corporate Average Fuel Economy standards for cars with the goal of reducing projected annual gasoline use by up to 8.5 billion gallons, Mr Kaplan said.


President Bush will say Congress should not legislate a specific number for a revised fuel economy standard, but instead use a size-based system in order to avoid compromising vehicle safety by building smaller cars, Mr Kaplan said.

Some members of Congress would like to see an increase in the fuel economy standard for passenger cars.

Mr Bush will set a goal of replacing 15 per cent of projected gasoline use with alternative fuels by 2017.