Cab returns €6.6m to Exchequer

The Criminal Assets Bureau (Cab) last year returned €6.6 million to the Exchequer, according to its annual report.

The Criminal Assets Bureau (Cab) last year returned €6.6 million to the Exchequer, according to its annual report.

Cab also obtained interim orders to the value of more than €11.5 million and final restraints orders totalling over €3.75 million in the same period. The bureau collected €5.1 million in taxes and interest through its investigations in 2009.

Cab also identified €790,000 in social welfare overpayments and secured savings of €720,000.

However, the report shows the agency spent €6.87 million last year, €5.7 million of which went on salaries.


The report notes lobbyist and former government press secretary Frank Dunlop paid a €30,000 fine to the agency following its investigation into his involvement in the bribing of councillors over land rezoning in south Dublin. He also served a prison sentence.

It also says that two bullet-proofed BMW cars, believed to have cost €350,000 each, were seized last year. These were assigned to the Minister for Finance but were later given to the Garda Commissioner for use by the force

Minister for Justice Dermot Ahern said the report highlighted “the effectiveness of a co-ordinated, multi-agency approach in dealing with the proceeds of criminal activity”.

“The bureau will continue with the full support of the Government and the general public, to prevent those involved in serious crime from benefiting from the proceeds of their illegal activity,” he said.

Mr Ahern said he hoped the completion of review of the laws underpinning the bureau would mean it could strengthen the scale of its actions.

Steven Carroll

Steven Carroll

Steven Carroll is an Assistant News Editor with The Irish Times