Cabinet committee meets on Aer Lingus today

A Cabinet sub-committee is meeting this afternoon to consider the future of Aer Lingus.

A Cabinet sub-committee is meeting this afternoon to consider the future of Aer Lingus.

The committee is expected to consider a financial report on the company by consultants Goldman Sachs.

Both the Taoiseach and the Minister for Transport sit on the committee, which will discuss the crisis sparked by the resignation of Aer Lingus's chief executive, Mr Willie Walsh, and two other senior executives.

The Minister for Education, Ms Hanafin, said on television last night the Government will make a decision by Christmas on whether to privatise the airline or not.


Unions, including Siptu, are opposed to the wholesale privatisation of the company.

The Labour party has proposed the airline and other commercial semi-state firms be transferred into the ownership of a new State holding company that could take in private investment.