Cabinet to discuss reform of health services

The Cabinet will debate proposals for a joint plan between the Departments of Finance and Health to reform the State's health…

The Cabinet will debate proposals for a joint plan between the Departments of Finance and Health to reform the State's health service later today.

The Minister for Health, Mr Martin, and the Minister for Finance, Mr McCreevy, have two reports before them - the Brennan and Prospectus reports - recommending changes to the organisation of the health boards and all other health agencies.

The Department of Health has said both reports would be published in their entirety.

The Brennan report, carried out by a group led by Prof Niamh Brennan, is believed to call for sweeping structural changes in the health service.


The second report, carried out by Prospectus Strategy Consultants, recommends the abolition of many of the country's health boards and agencies and greater planning between the remaining organisations to ensure quality services.

It is unclear if today's meeting will approve drafting a Health/Finance memorandum or whether Ministers will wait until the completion of the Hanly report on health service staffing levels.