Call centre to create 100 jobs

An Indian-owned call centre company is creating 100 jobs in Northern Ireland, it announced today.

An Indian-owned call centre company is creating 100 jobs in Northern Ireland, it announced today.

Firstsource already employs around 1,000 at its base in Northland Road, Derry. It also employs up to 400 in Belfast.

General manager Sean Harnett said Derry had a lot to offer the company and they were very happy with its staff in the city.

“There is a great work ethic here and good employees, and we find people will work very well with us and are committed to what we are trying to achieve.


“We have some fantastic people working for us and we have been very happy with what we have found here.”

It is the latest round in a constant expansion by the company which a year ago employed just 600 in Derry.

In total the eight-year-old firm has 21,000 employees working from 43 centres across India, the UK and USA, as well as Argentina and the Philippines.

Its expansion is in stark contrast to its neighbouring call centre company in Derry — US-owned Stream International, which is close to having to slash some 450 from its workforce.