Call for action on part-time pension rights

The ICTU equality officer has called on the Government to introduce pension rights for part-time workers before the deadline …

The ICTU equality officer has called on the Government to introduce pension rights for part-time workers before the deadline of January 1st next established by EU law. Ms Joan Carmichael also predicted that negotiations on the new EU directive on fixed-term contracts will be concluded within "the next few days".

Speaking in Dublin yesterday at ICTU celebrations to mark International Women's Day, she said women workers had much to celebrate but that Ireland still lagged behind the rest of Europe.

Ms Carmichael said negotiations with employers at EU level on the rights of fixed-term contract workers were at a very advanced stage. When concluded, they would give many temporary workers new legal rights.

Under the new directive, employers will be able to offer fixed-term contracts only where permanent employment is not possible - for example, where some one is needed to cover for an employee on extended leave. It will also be unlawful to discriminate against temporary workers on grounds such as leave days or sick pay.


To mark International Women's Day, the ICTU launched a guide for negotiators and a database on equality legislation.