Call for controls after alleged assault

THE professional register of acupuncturists in Ireland has called on the Department of Health to introduce legislation to regulate…

THE professional register of acupuncturists in Ireland has called on the Department of Health to introduce legislation to regulate the profession.

This follows a woman's recent complaint to gardai about an acupuncturist who allegedly videotaped a number of women who had apparently consented to strip and wear a blindfold during acupuncture treatment. The woman claims she was indecently assaulted during the treatment.

The Department of Health last night said it had no plans for legislation to regulate practitioners of complementary medicine. "This is outside the realm of the Department. We would encourage them to regulate themselves," a spokesman said.

But Mr John Hickey, president of the Register of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners of Ireland, told The Irish Times that until regulations are introduced such incidents may re occur.


He said the register was dismayed to hear of the alleged incident involving the person described as a medical doctor and an acupuncturist. He was not a member of the professional register.

"Unfortunately there is no legal protection for the title acupuncturist and therefore anybody can describe themselves in those terms," he explained.

This made it difficult for the public to discriminate between properly qualified practitioners of acupuncture, he explained, or the people "making claims about their qualifications and expertise which are erroneous or impossible to substantiate.

Because of these difficulties the register of properly qualified practitioners was set up in 1995.

He said the Department of Health had suggested, following a series of meetings, that they self regulate.

Members of the register, he said, adhere to strict guidelines and have a code of ethics. A complaints procedure would be initiated as a result of reports of inappropriate conduct by a member. "The register is committed to working closely with the gardai in these sort of matters as they are the appropriate investigating authority."

He said they had had very few, complaints, and none of the nature reported this week. The register has a helpline for anyone wishing to attend an acupuncturist but is unsure of who to attend. The telephone number if 01 679 4216.