Call for Yemen humanitarian corridors

United Nations aid agencies today called on the government of Yemen and rebels to ensure humanitarian access to civilians caught…

United Nations aid agencies today called on the government of Yemen and rebels to ensure humanitarian access to civilians caught up in fighting that flared up in the north last month.

Opening humanitarian corridors was “a top priority” as thousands continue to flee their homes in the Saada region near the Saudi border, a spokesman for the UN High Commissioner for Refugees said.

“That would allow civilians to leave the conflict zone and humanitarian workers to deliver much needed humanitarian aid to thousands of displaced people in this remote part of the country,” Mr Andrej Mahecic told reporters in Geneva.

Of the 150,000 people believed to have fled their homes in recent years, about 35,000 are seeking shelter because of the latest fighting.


The World Food Programme was able to help 95,000 people in July but could only reach 10,000 in August, said spokeswoman Emilia Casella.

Meanwhile, local partners in Saada city have enough rations to feed 60,000 people for a month but can’t distribute them because of the fighting.

“Access is really the most urgent issue,” said Casella, noting that attempts failed last week to negotiate safe passage for aid workers during a lull in fighting.

Tomorrow UN humanitarian chief Mr John Holmes will ask donor countries to provide the global body with more money to fund its aid efforts in Yemen.

A spokeswoman for his office, Ms Elisabeth Byrs, said for the money to be spent effectively the UN needed guarantees that aid groups can have immediate and unimpeded access to Saada city, Al Jawaf province and other areas.