Campaign promotes benefits of folic acid

The announcement yesterday of an all-Ireland folic acid campaign is aimed at raising awareness among women of the major role …

The announcement yesterday of an all-Ireland folic acid campaign is aimed at raising awareness among women of the major role which folic acid plays in the prevention of neural tube defects (NTD's) in babies.

Spina Bifida is the commonest such defect affecting new-born infants. Depending on its severity it can cause neurological problems in the lower limbs and bladder. Hydrocephalus, in which the drainage of brain fluid is blocked resulting in skull enlargement, occurs in up to 80 per cent of infants with a certain type of spina bifida.

Research has shown if a woman increases her intake of folic acid before conception and during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, the risk of her child developing NTD is reduced by 70 per cent.

Because 50 per cent of all pregnancies are unplanned, the co-ordinated advice from the Republic's Health Promotion Unit and the Health Promotion Agency for Northern Ireland is that all women who could become pregnant should take a daily 400 microgramme supplement of folic acid. Every month, approximately nine babies are born in the whole of the island with some form of neural tube defect. Folic acid is safe to take, whether the woman is pregnant or not, as the body automatically gets rid of any excess. Neural Tube Defects - What Are They?


(a) The brain and spinal cord develop from a neural tube which is completely formed and closed throughout its entire length by the end of the third week of intrauterine life.

(b) If closure of the tube is not complete, this usually affects the lower end of the spinal cord. Spinal bifida - the complete unfolding and exposure of the spinal cord on the childs back - is the commonest form of NTD.

(c) The most severe NTD is Anencephaly in which little or no brain tissue is present. Such children are usually stillborn.

Folic Acid - What Is IT?

(a) Folic acid is one of the B groups of vitamins. It is water soluble.

(b) It is found in broccoli, peas, parsnips, wholemeal bread and fortified cereals.

(c) A normal diet does not usually provide sufficient folic acid for women planning to become pregnant.

(d) The presence of adequate amounts of folic acid is essential to the formation and growth of new cells in the body