Case against `Irish Times' settled

An action for defamation taken against The Irish Times and a journalist, Patrick Smyllie, arising from an article in 1988 has…

An action for defamation taken against The Irish Times and a journalist, Patrick Smyllie, arising from an article in 1988 has been settled, the High Court was told yesterday. The claim for defamation was taken by Knocktopher Abbey Trustees and Mr Stephen Edwards, Knocktopher, Co Kilkenny, in relation to an article on the business page of the newspaper on March 24th, 1988, dealing with time-share apartments.

A jury was sworn to hear the case yesterday but it did not formally open before them. After legal discussions Mr Sean Ryan SC, for the plaintiffs, told Mr Justice O'Higgins he was grateful for the time allowed which had proved fruitful in that the case had been settled. Counsel asked Mr Justice O'Higgins to strike out the matter and to make certain orders for costs. Details of the settlement were not read to the court.

Mr Justice O'Higgins said it was "very satisfactory" to have concluded the matter. Mr Richard Nesbitt SC appeared with Mr Colm Condon SC and Ms Nuala Butler for The Irish Times and Mr Smyllie.