Case over Cork site adjourned

A claim by five farmers living near a landfill site at Ballyguyroe, Killdorrery, Co Cork, that Cork County Council failed to …

A claim by five farmers living near a landfill site at Ballyguyroe, Killdorrery, Co Cork, that Cork County Council failed to comply with planning conditions laid down in a Department of the Environment certificate was adjourned by Mr Justice Moriarty yesterday. The farmers are seeking damages in the High Court as well as a restraining order against the council.

The farmers claim the site was started as an illegal development in 1990, and continued until certified by the Minister for the Environment in 1995.

They claim the council has failed to comply with the Minister's requirements.

Mr James Macken SC, for the council, said it was not appropriate to hear such an action during a vacation sitting of the court. Council witnesses had travelled from Cork to the court on four occasions.