Catalogue of crises

Feb 1997: Fire on board Mir caused by burning of "oxygen candles", used when faults forced shutdown of oxygen supply system, …

Feb 1997: Fire on board Mir caused by burning of "oxygen candles", used when faults forced shutdown of oxygen supply system, threatening evacuation of station.

Apr 22: Mir again faces being abandoned as antifreeze leaks into the station's air supplies.

May 19: British-born US astronaut Dr Michael Foale reaches Mir to begin fourmonth stay on the station.

June 25: Unmanned Progress supply ship collides with Mir during docking, causing major air-loss, shutdown of the Spektr module and 50 per cent loss of electric power: all Foale's scientific and personal gear trapped in Spektr.


June 29: Cosmonauts aboard Mir say problems with light, air-conditioning and cold food improving, spacewalk planned to attempt reconnection of power cables.

July 1: Controllers set July 11th as date for entering Spektr for repairs.

July 4: Spektr repairs postponed as controllers correct navigational problems before arrival of vital supply craft carrying replacement parts.

July 14: Controllers say Russian commander, Vasily Tsibliyev (43) is overtired and has developed a minor heart condition.

July 15: Further delay to Spektr repairs because commander not well enough; condition linked to stress.

July 17: Crew member inadvertently pulls plug on main Mir computer, causing loss of systems and forcing power shutdown with loss of most light, heating and life-support systems: loss of navigation puts Mir off alignment with sun.

Aug 6: Soyuz docks with Mir, with Antony Solovyov (49) and Pavel Vinogradov (43) ready to replace tired Russian crew members on the station.

Aug 14: Comdr Vasily Tsibliyev and flight engineer Alexander Lazutkin return to Earth after six gruelling months on board Mir during which they battled to keep the ageing station's systems running.

Aug 18: Main computer fails during attempted docking with supply vessel; Mir tumbles out of alignment with sun, causing power loss.

Aug 19: Cosmonauts replace faulty computers, realign Mir towards sun.

Barbeque under the stars: Astronomy Ireland is holding a "Star-b-que" tonight at the Sarah Curran in Rathfarnham at 8 p.m. £10 entry includes use of Ireland's largest telescope