Cause of freedom 'in good hands'

US: President Bush told cheering Midwestern supporters yesterday the "cause of freedom is in good hands" as angry US Senators…

US: President Bush told cheering Midwestern supporters yesterday the "cause of freedom is in good hands" as angry US Senators questioned Mr Donald Rumsfeld about the Iraqi prisoner abuse scandal.

Campaigning in Iowa and Wisconsin, Mr Bush lauded his administrative team and said the scandal was an unwarranted stain on the character of US troops.

"I've put together a fantastic team of people," he told a conference hall of cheering, flag-waving supporters while standing before a red, white and blue screen emblazoned with the monicker, "America: safer, stronger, better".

"The abhorrent pictures on our TV screens have stained our honour. They do not reflect the nature of the men and women we have sent overseas. We've sent decent, compassionate, honourable, sacrificing citizens . . . The cause of freedom is in good hands."


Riding in a motorcade that included two red, white and blue buses bearing the message "Yes, America Can", he told scores of flag waving and cheering supporters: "I've got a plan to win this war on terror and I've got a plan to spread freedom and peace."