Celtic fans to appear in court after `riot'

Criminal proceedings have been initiated against almost 30 people for participating in what gardai described as a "riot" on Sunday…

Criminal proceedings have been initiated against almost 30 people for participating in what gardai described as a "riot" on Sunday night in O'Connell Street, Dublin.

A Garda spokesman said a file was being prepared for the Director of Public Prosecutions arising from the incident and those involved were due to appear in court between today and the end of the month.

A total of 29 people were arrested for public order and criminal damage offences after fans of Celtic Football Club spilled on to the streets to celebrate their victory against Glasgow rivals Rangers in a televised match earlier that day.

According to gardai, scuffles broke out after the crowd were asked to move from the junction of Cathal Brugha Street and O'Connell Street. The rear window of an unmarked Garda car was smashed, a number of gardai were assaulted, traffic was stopped and passers-by were abused, said gardai.


However, people in the crowd claimed gardai had over-reacted to what began as harmless singing and chanting by about 50 Celtic fans who had been drinking at a nearby pub. They were joined by local youths, swelling the numbers to over 200.

As arrests began to be made, the crowd became increasingly angry and running battles ensued. Reinforcements were brought in and the crowd was dispersed within an hour.