Ceremonies mark 20th anniversary of Lockerbie

Thousands joined in a minute's silence last night to remember the 270 victims of the Lockerbie bombing, which happened 20 years…

Thousands joined in a minute's silence last night to remember the 270 victims of the Lockerbie bombing, which happened 20 years ago yesterday.

Tributes were paid at services across the UK and in the US on the anniversary of the atrocity, when Pan Am flight 103 from Heathrow to New York exploded in the sky above the Scottish town of Lockerbie in 1988.

All 259 people on board were killed and a further 11 died in Lockerbie, where the wreckage fell to the ground.

The victims' names were read out at vigils arranged to coincide with the moment of the explosion, minutes after 7pm.


In Lockerbie, hundreds of residents gathered at ceremonies at Dryfesdale and Tundergarth churches. The Rev Sandy Stoddart told the congregation at Dryfesdale: "I have printed 270 names on the back of the order of service. This is a list of those who died.

"But it is not a list of the victims, because we can never list all those names. Nobody but God knows all the names on the list."

At Heathrow, former employees of Pan Am joined relatives of some of the 33 British victims at a memorial in the airport chapel, led by the Rev John Mosey, whose daughter Helga died in the disaster.

New York state's Syracuse University, which lost 35 students in the bombing, held a service, while some 500 people were due to attend a service at Arlington national cemetery outside Washington DC. Of the passengers and crew killed in the disaster, 188 were American. - (PA)