Certified Male

This exploration of the male psyche comes lauded as the European premiere of a highly successful comedy show from Australia

This exploration of the male psyche comes lauded as the European premiere of a highly successful comedy show from Australia. It starts out with Garret, the chief executive of a company, ostensibly taking three of his executives on an exploratory "think tank" exercise to toughen them up. But this is a phoney stage trick to introduce a cabaret show about men, or at least about stressed-out industry executives with worries. Garret is getting on, McBride is fraught about both his job and his fourth marriage, Alex is happily married and Howard is young and single. It might be interesting to find out more about them in a serious-minded play.

Here, however, they have set-pieces to perform, songs to sing, mimes to move and revue-type sketches to deliver with considerable energy. In these, the audience is expected not merely to laugh but to discover the men's problems.

Vincent McCabe (Garret), John M Ryan (McBride), Ben Palmer (Howard) and Nicholas Grennell (Alex) set about their task with commitment, some skill and much vigour under Terry O'Connell's suitably unobtrusive direction.