Charity wristbands: story so far

The charity wristband craze was started in the sports world when the cyclist Lance Armstrong developed the "Live Strong" bracelet…

The charity wristband craze was started in the sports world when the cyclist Lance Armstrong developed the "Live Strong" bracelet to raise money for cancer research.

The yellow bands became so popular that last December, one Florida hospital began taping over patients' wristbands because they were the same colour as the "do not resuscitate" bands they put on patients. Following an increase in reports of racist incidents in football, Arsenal and France striker Thierry Henry joined with Nike and other European players to promote the "stand up speak out" anti-racism campaign.

In Ireland, the ISPCC is selling a limited range of wristbands in the GAA colours of six counties. Ronan Keating has launched a wristband for the Marie Keating Foundation. One of the most popular wristbands supporting the Make Poverty History campaign was in the news this week when it emerged the bands were being made in Chinese factories that violated ethical standards. It has been worn by Tony Blair as well as numerous celebrities.

Alison Healy

Alison Healy

Alison Healy is a contributor to The Irish Times