Chavez angered after US frees Cuban

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has said he will lodge a protest with the United Nations after the United States released a …

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has said he will lodge a protest with the United Nations after the United States released a Cuban militant on bail.

Venezuela had asked the United States to extradite former CIA agent Luis Posada Carriles (79) on charges that he plotted the 1976 bombing of a Cuban passenger plane, in which 73 people died.

Mr Chavez also said Posada has been plotting to assassinate him for years, and he accused President Bush of complicity in failing to bring Posada to justice.

"President Bush, you are a protector of terrorists. As such, you are a terrorist," Chavez said during his weekly TV and radio broadcast.


"The Venezuelan government will take this case to the United Nations, because it cannot be," Mr Chavez said. "We've been asking for his extradition for more than two years. We sent them all the evidence."

Posada, a militant opponent of Cuban leader Fidel Castro, has been accused of plotting the bombing while living in Caracas.

He escaped from a Venezuelan prison in 1985 and was detained in Florida in May 2005 for entering the United States illegally.

Posada was indicted on charges of lying to US immigration authorities, but an appeals court ruled last week that he could post bail and return to his family in Miami while awaiting trial.

Mr Chavez said Posada's release is linked to larger "plans against Venezuela".