Cheaper postal services across Europe

MEPs voted in favour of plans to open Europe's postal services to free competition

MEPs voted in favour of plans to open Europe's postal services to free competition. This long-running saga dates back to 1992 and has involved much to-ing and fro-ing between Commission, Council and Parliament. Brian Simpson (UK, PES) welcomed the agreement, which he considered safeguarded a "reserved" sector which allowed "a universal postal service to be provided for all citizens, wherever they lived, at affordable prices". He also wished to ensure that the special needs of blind people should be recognised, and that they should receive a free postal service and reduced parcel rates.

Anne McIntosh (UK, EPP) also welcomed the agreement. "A universal postal service will help meet the needs of users, notably domestic consumers, and promote Europe's economic and social development," she said. She also believed that the current system penalised cross-border trade and hampered the creation of an effective single market.