Chicken farm raided by UN

IRAQ:  The owner of the Arab Poultry Project has asked the Iraqi foreign ministry to file legal suit on his behalf against UN…

IRAQ: The owner of the Arab Poultry Project has asked the Iraqi foreign ministry to file legal suit on his behalf against UN weapons inspectors for material damages and stress following visits to his farm and his home.

Mr Sabah Anwar Muhammad said he had been out hunting on January 20th when a large team of inspectors invaded the farm, located at Dora on the outskirts of Baghdad, and demanded instant access to all buildings.

The inspectors broke two locks, which Mr Muhammad displayed to the press, and entered in search of biological agents which could be weaponised and used in warheads.

The inspectors claimed that they had put new locks on the rooms they had searched. "I put new locks because they broke the old ones," Mr Muhammad complained. During this visit they took leaves from orange trees to test for biological agents. "To show them there were none my staff and I ate the oranges . . . and they did as well."