Child-beater gets further four years for intimidation

A man serving a seven-year sentence for violently beating children has been given a consecutive four years sentence for intimidating…

A man serving a seven-year sentence for violently beating children has been given a consecutive four years sentence for intimidating a mother of five and unlawfully seizing her car.

Wayne Kinsella (33), Bawnlea Green, Tallaght, jailed for violently beating his partner's three children, pleaded guilty to forcing Ms June Byrne and her two-year- old son out of her car on May 31st, 2003.

Kinsella told Ms Byrne he had a buyer for her car which she was trying to sell. She was driving to the purported buyer's house with Kinsella and her son when he told her to pull over and ordered them out of the vehicle.

He told her: "If you get the police I'll kill you and burn your house down with your children in it." Ms Byrne told Judge Michael White she had lived in fear of Kinsella, known to her as the brother of a woman she was friendly with, and could relax knowing he was locked up.


Kinsella has 25 previous convictions for crimes including manslaughter, violent disorder, assault and burglary.

Judge White, who jailed Kinsella for seven years on July 30th, and described him as "a man with a predilection to violence", said his intimidation of Ms Byrne and hijacking her car was a very serious offence.

He said Kinsella had a violent history he needed to deal with and he suspended the four-year sentence on condition that he underwent an anger-management course in prison, that he not approach the victim or her family. He was bound over to keep the peace for four years after the date of release from his seven-year sentence.

Garda Damien Dempsey told Mr Vincent Heneghan, prosecuting, at the July hearing that Kinsella put his partner's three children, aged 10, nine and eight, in different rooms at the address he shared with her and took turns beating them with a belt and an electrical flex, leaving them with multiple injuries. He told the eldest child: "Whenever I look at you, I want to hit you," and beat the boy so violently he was left cut and bleeding, with more than 20 different injuries on all parts of his body.

Garda Dempsey said Kinsella then went to the next room where he beat the younger brother in a similar manner.

Kinsella also lifted him up and threw him down to the ground and hit the boy's face off the wall before leaving the room.

Next, he went into the third room where the girl was and beat her the same way before going back to the room where the eldest boy was.

By this time the boy had hidden under the bed and had left the door open in an attempt to give Kinsella the impression he had left the room .

However, when Kinsella returned to the room he flipped the bed over to one side, dragged the boy out from underneath and resumed beating him. He did not stop until he was out of breath and panting from the exertion.