Childcare demand shown in survey

A survey of childcare provision in four Border and mid-eastern counties shows an obvious demand for care places for children …

A survey of childcare provision in four Border and mid-eastern counties shows an obvious demand for care places for children which is not being met, according to the Minister of State for Justice, Equality and Law Reform, Ms Mary Wallace.

Ms Wallace said the results of the "census" of childcare provision in Cos Meath, Louth, Monaghan and Cavan would be used to develop services in those areas.

The four reports are part of a county-by-county census aimed at providing the basis for a national strategy on childcare provision for children aged up to 12. The remainder of the reports will be published shortly.

Speaking yesterday at the launch of the reports in Ratoath, Co Meath, Ms Wallace said it was clear that more childcare places were needed in the counties, which was in keeping with the national situation.


"The childcare census reports show that there is an obvious demand for childcare and a high usage of sessional services. This is the kind of information which will be effective for future development in those counties," she said.

Ms Wallace said the reports were a valuable aid in planning for the provision of quality childcare services in Ireland.

The surveys contain detailed information on the child population in each county as well as the current level of supply and analysis of future needs.

The findings from childcare providers who participated in the census include:

In Cavan, 35 childcare providers offered places for 709 children, with 92 children on waiting lists.

In Louth, 48 providers offered places for 1,165 children, with 382 children on waiting lists.

In Meath, 85 providers had places for 1,457 children, with 366 on waiting lists.

In Monaghan, 45 providers offered places for 1,295 children, with 44 on waiting lists.

The average daily fee for a child in full day care ranged from £12.61 in Co Louth, to £11.89 in Co Meath, £9.40 in Co Cavan and £8.89 in Co Monaghan.