Children's rights groups condemn referendum

The Children's Rights Alliance (CRA) today announced its opposition to the citizenship referendum on the grounds that its passage…

The Children's Rights Alliance (CRA) today announced its opposition to the citizenship referendum on the grounds that its passage would not be in the best interests of children.

The CRA, which is a coalition of 78 Irish NGOs concerned with the rights and welfare of children, said if the citizenship referendum was passed it "would be a regressive step for children".

Mr Ray Dooley, chief executive, said: "This is a referendum on the rights of children. We can speculate about its possible consequences on immigration levels and other matters, but what we do know for certain is that, if passed, it will place some children in a separate class, and those children will not have the same status and rights as other children".

The group also says it is not satisfied with the Government's explanation for the referendum and believe it is "fundamentally unsound" to hold the referendum at this time.


The CRA also claims the referendum is not consistent with the articles and principles of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.

"Article 3 of the Convention provides that the best interests of the child will be a primary consideration in any actions or decisions taken on matters that affect children," said barrister Ms Teresa Blake.

She added that the referendum will impact "disproportionately on children of ethnic and racial minorities, as well as those in lower-income households.

"Given the reductive impact passage of the referendum would have on the rights of non-citizen children, it is difficult to understand who it might be said to be in their best interests," Ms Blake said.