An Ombudsman with special responsibility for children has been created as one of the last acts of the current Dail.
The Bill published in February by the Minister of State with special responsibility for Children, Ms Hanafin, enjoyed all-party support.
The Ombudsman for children will promote the rights and welfare of children and examine and investigate complaints against public bodies and other institutions such as schools and hospitals.
It will also act in an advisory capacity to the Government and will be independent of the existing ombudsman but will be answerable to the Oireachtas.
"The introduction of an Ombudsman for Children is a further step along the road to providing our children with quality services and letting their voice be heard," Ms Hanafain said.
The news was welcomed today by the Children's Rights Alliance (CRA) who said the said everyone under the age of 18 should make themselves aware of its existence.
"Children will soon have a new ally who will champion their interest and fight on behalf of their needs," CRA chief executive Mr Ray Dooley said.