Chinese all fired up for new year

CHINA: Beijing is gearing up for its most cacophonous Chinese new year ever this weekend.

CHINA: Beijing is gearing up for its most cacophonous Chinese new year ever this weekend.

The 14 million residents of the capital will be able to unleash a barrage of firecrackers, rockets, cherry bombs and other pyrotechnics for the first time in 12 years.

In a sign of increasing personal freedom, self-responsibility and dynamism, the government has lifted a ban on the sale of fireworks in the capital for the Spring Festival, marking the start of the "Year of the Dog".

The festival, the country's most important holiday, starts today.


The decision allows people to return to an ancient custom: fireworks are thought to have been invented in China 2,000 years ago. Over the centuries in China, smoking flowers and explosive bamboos (as they are known) have been used in festivities as a means of scaring off malign spirits.

The ban was introduced in 1994 because 187 people were killed and 2,600 injured in firework accidents in the previous six years.

Average urban incomes have since risen more than fourfold.

Compared with the last "Year of the Dog", Beijingers have more money to indulge in the Spring Festival customs of feasting, drinking baijiou and treating children with red envelopes stuffed with cash.

People can now also afford to stock up on a festive arsenal far more explosive than anything available 12 years ago.

As well as the 600,000 cases of firecrackers that will be ignited nationwide, pyrotechnicians have also dreamed up some giant new treats.

"Our most beautiful product is Ballet on Water, a ball-shaped firework that bursts into flame as it spins across the surface of a lake or pond," said Li Zhongliang, assistant general manager of Liuyang Jinyi Fireworks.

"But we are also selling the broche crown, which paints snail and flower patterns across a half-kilometre stretch of sky.

"For those who like bangers, there is Exploding Thunder, which is guaranteed to deafen anyone nearby."

Noise levels in the city have been rising steadily since the start of sales last Sunday.

They are expected to peak tonight - new year's eve, when the sky will light up with a celebratory storm of artificial thunder and lightning.

In a citywide text message last night, the Beijing government wished: "A happy new year to everyone. May it bring you peace and prosperity.

"But we urge you to be especially concerned about safety during this holiday and to follow municipal ordinances on the correct use of smoking flowers and explosive bamboos," the government said.